Monday, January 27, 2020

Save the Animals Animal Testing Paper

Save the Animals Animal Testing Paper Melanie Sellner A poor animal shivers in a cage waiting for the researchers to return and continue testing. Dogs, cats, hamsters, mice, and primates are only a few of the many animals that are tested on daily. Even though some animal testing has been successful most are flawed because animals are too different from humans; therefore it should be stopped. Libby was a dog rescued from a lab, along with 250 other cats and dogs, that was shut down because of a PETA investigation. She crawled up to people, too scared to stand, the only thing separating her from the others was the number on her ear. She had hookworm, tapeworm, a vaginal infection and her teeth were rotten. The lab where she was rescued from was paid to infest dogs or cats with worms ticks and fleas. Then the animals were force-fed or smeared with chemicals to test products for companions.The PETA investigation showed they kicked, threw and dragged dogs. They lifted puppies by their throats and screamed at the animals. This investigation prompted the lab to fire four people; one was a supervisor, on felony cruelty charges. After her rescue, Libby is happy with her new family, playing tug-o-war and wrestling with the two other dogs the family owns(@peta). Of the millions of animals that are used in research facilities, the Animal Welfare Act or AWA does not cover rats, mice, fish and birds, which comprise around 95% of the animals used in research(Animal). The AWA-covered 1,134,693 animals used for testing in the fiscal year 2010, which leaves around 25 million other animals that are not covered(Animal). These animals are especially vulnerable to mistreatment and abuse without the protection of the AWA. The bodily structure, the chemical reactions used to keep cells alive, and cellular differences between animals and people make animals poor models for human beings. Paul Furlong, Professor of Clinical Neuroimaging at Aston University (UK), states that its very hard to create an animal model that even equates closely to what were trying to achieve in the human(Animal).   Thomas Hartung, Professor of Evidence-Based Toxicology at John Hopkins University, argues for alternatives to animal testing because we are not 70 kg rats(Animal). Animal testing . Many animals used in experiments are force fed, forced to inhale, food and water deprivation, prolonged physical restraint, burned or are inflicted with other types wounds to study how they heal. The causing of pain to study its effects and remedies is cruel and inhumane. Killing by carbon dioxide asphyxiation, neck-breaking, decapitation, or other means are some of the ways these poor animals die. One example of cruel testing is the Draize eye test which involves rabbits being forced to keep their eyes open, with clips, for prolonged periods of time and is used by cosmetic companies to test produces. Another commonly used test is the   LD50 (lethal dose 50) test which involves finding out how much of a chemical will kill 50% of the animals being used in the experiment. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) reported in 2010 that 97,123 animals suffered pain during experiments and were given no anesthesia for relief(Animal). Jane Goodall is a chimpanzee specialist who has studied them for 50 years; she received a video of an animal testing lab and was horrified by what she saw. Chimps in the wild are close, supportive and have affectionate bonds between family members that last throughout their lives. They have nonverbal communication patterns of posture and touch that are similar to ours, like   kissing, embracing, patting one another, swaggering, wave their fists, tickling and laughing. They even have a sense of humor and a sense of self that sets them apart. On the other hand chimp in cages, like the young, who lose their mothers may show signs of depression comparable to those of a socially deprived human child. Chimps show a variety of stereotypic stress behaviors, such as rocking, swaying, moving from side to side, and repetitiously banging on the mesh of their cages, the walls or the ceiling. And when researchers come to retrieve a patient the procedure causes extreme panic. Most researchers couldnt care less about the animals in many cases. Animals stay in metal cages with no bedding or enrichment activities. Baby chimpanzees wearing diapers, clinging to each other, in their sterile cages. The cages of the adults were small and absolutely bare. There might be one shelf on which a chimpanzee could sit. When the staff, with gloves and masks, showed adult chimpanzees syringes the chimps would shy away and wouldnt come, when this happened a capture gun was used. The sight of the gun caused panic with all the chimps. When the gun was used, the researchers did nothing to calm the panicked chimps. The chimps in the video were gradually confined to a smaller and smaller space. When researchers would sedate chimpanzees they didnt care if the chimp was on a perch and would fall. Jane Goodall didnt see any chimpanzee being given a reward-not even a kind or encouraging word when they did something correct. One researcher put an orange outside the cage where it coul d not be reached by the chimpanzee who rocked from side to side in depression. Most researchers have a lack of concern for the psychological welfare of the chimpanzees and that needs to change.(Goodall). Animal research has few successful results, is cruel and should be stopped. Hundreds of millions of animals lives can be saved if animal research is stopped. You can help by buying cruelty-free products or donate to foundations like PETAs Rescue and Investigations fund to help them continue to investigate cruelty and seek justice for the animal victims. Works Cited @peta. Life After the Laboratory: Libbys Story. PETA Life After the Laboratory Libbys Story  Comments. PETA People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, 14 Oct. 2013. Web. 18 Oct. 2016. Animal Testing ProConorg Headlines., 25 May 2016. Web. 18 Oct.  2016. Goodall, Jane. Jane Goodall Responds to Undercover Chimpanzee Investigation. : The  Humane Society of the United States. The Humane Society of the United States, 4 Mar. 2009. Web. 19 Oct. 2016.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease Health And Social Care Essay

COPD is common worldwide contributes to major disablement every bit good as economic and societal load. More than 30 million Americans have COPD. Deaths from COPD numbered 118,774 in 2001. It remain 4th taking cause of decease in united provinces. Over the past 20 old ages their decease rate has increased about three creases. 20.1 Per 100,000 in 1980. 56.7 Per 100,000 in 2000. COPD likely highest in England when comparison to the remainder of Europe, particularly in the major Centres of industry. Approximately 5 % of population in Sweden have jobs caused from COPD disease. 35000 sweds is annually placed into infirmary for intervention for heavy external respiration job caused by COPD. In Sweden approximately 2000 individual died of COPD disease annually.PHYSIOTHERAPY IN COPDPhysiotherapy is frequently required to assist clear secernment and cut down work of external respiration, including non invasive airing to forestall cannulation. Physiotherapy must therefore include educating the patient and household about Restoration and care of exercising tolerance and self direction. Physiotherapy is hence best provided in the signifier of pneumonic rehabilitation. To live over any bronchospasm and ease the remotion of secernments. To better the form of external respiration, take a breathing control and control of dyspnea. To learn local relaxation, better position and aid still fright and anxiousness. To increase the cognition of the patient about lung status and control of the symptoms. Improve exercising tolerance and guarantee a long term committedness to exercisings. To cut down the perceptual experience of shortness of breath. To better the functional capacity. To cut down the degree of anxiousness for physical activity.Effects OF CHEST WALL STRETCHING IN COPDChest wall musculuss stretching techniques increases critical capacity and scope of gesture. Keeping respiratory musculus map of critical importance for the respiratory system. The stretching of musculus fibers promotes consecutive addition in the figure of sarcomeres. Increase the volume of the splanchnic mass, inappropriate position, respiratory disease, and musculus failing and aging. Muscle stretching technique addition flexibleness and hurts. Prevent the musculus from responding sufficient extremum tenseness, which evolves to muscle failing, abjuration.Need For The StudyAlthou gh intercessions to change by reversal failing in peripheral musculuss, are in common usage, secondary postural malformations can happen in response to hyper rising prices and increased work of take a breathing in COPD patients. Postural alterations can include elevated, protracted or abducted shoulder blade with medially rotated humerus and crookback spinal malformations. Since, hyper rising prices of the thorax, topographic points pectoralis major musculus in a sawed-off place it increases the opposition of chest wall to spread out, farther increasing the work of external respiration. The intent of this survey was aimed at stretching the shortened pectoral muscle major musculuss utilizing the clasp relax PNF technique and integrating pectoral mobility exercises to change by reversal the alterations in the chest wall following COPD.HypothesisNull hypothesisThere is no important difference in the dyspnea degree and shoulder horizontal extension following hold relax technique and pectoral mobility exercisings.Alternate hypothesisThere is important difference in the dyspnea degree and shoulder horizontal extensions following clasp relax technique and pectoral mobility exercisings.CHAPTER – TwoREVIEW OF LITERATUREKimm ( 1987 )Respiratory musculuss stretching better airing and tissue oxygenation improves the activity of day-to-day life and quality of life.Kahisaki et al. , ( 1999 )The elongation of the respiratory musculuss might better pectoral enlargement and lessening dyspnea in COPD patients.Hamer A, Mahler A, Daubensperh.1967Respiratory musculus stretching m ay heighten respiratory musculus map and cut down dyspnea in diagnostic patients with mild COPD.Levso, Honvoh F 1982,Stretching exercisings are a good 1 for the COPD patients and showed to be better the quality of life of patients.Magadle R, Mc Connel AX, Beckerman M,Inspiratory musculus preparation provides extra benefits to patients undergoing pneumonic rehabilitation plan.Moore AJ, StubbingsA, 2006,Concluded that COPD consequences non merely alteration in musculus fiber type distribution, but in a structural alteration in the titin molecule in all musculus fibre type with in the stop.M.Estenne, PA Gevenois, W KinnerIn many patients with chronic failing of the respiratory muscles the cut down the lung distensability does non look to be caused by microatelectasis, it might be related to changes in snap of the lung tissues.Hideko minoguchi, Hirotaka TanakaRespiratory musculus stretch may hold clinically important benefits, which may be slightly different from the benefit of inspirat ory musculus preparation, in patients with COPD.M.Jeffy mador, MD, Omar Deniz MDThe endurance of the respiratory musculuss can be improved by specific developing beyond that achieved by endurance developing entirely in patients with COPD.Eleine Paulin, Antonio ternando Bruneto 2003.Our consequences suggest that exercises aimed that pectoral enlargement better thoracic enlargement, quality of life bombers maximum exercising capacity, every bit good as cut down dyspnea and depression in COPD patients.PJ Wijkstra, EM tenvergart R, new wave AltenaThis survey is first show the rehabilitation at place for three months followed by one time monthly physical therapy Sessionss improve quality of life over 18 months ; the alteration in quality of life was non associated with a alteration in exercising tolerance.Havver A, Mahler DA 1989Target inspiratory musculus stretching may heighten respiratory musculus map and cut down dyspnea in diagnostic patients with COPD.Camargo CA, Clarks Kenney PA.A dditions slow critical capacity significantly correlated with dyspnoea betterment among exigency section patients with COPD.Montaldo et al. , 2000The greater pectoral enlargement might better the length tenseness ratio of the respiratory muscles diminish the sensory nerve stimulation for cardinal respiratory control and cut down dyspnea.Teddoro montemayor et al. , 2006Suggested that a simple place based plan of exercising preparation achieved betterment is exercise tolerance, station attempt dyspnea, and quality of life in COPD patients.Mario grassi MD, marica pecis 2009A disease oriented place attention plan is effectual in cut downing mortality in COPD patients.Manuel gimenz, Pedro vergara 2000A maximally intense stretching exercising plan can be created for most COPD patients that can significantly better respiratory musculus strength and endurance.Denna swart out-corbeil R.N, Davison A.M 2006Physical exercising is designed to better respiratory efficiency promote, enlargement of lung and, chest, beef up the respiratory musculus and assist the patient breath more freely and to acquire more O into the organic structure.American physiological society 2006The physical exercising improves respiratory take a breathing capacity by increasing chest wall enlargement and forced expiratory lung volume, bole mobility improves the chest wall map and relieves dyspneas.Putt MT, Watson M, seale H,The clasp and loosen up techniques produce short term benefits in patients with COPD.CHAPTER – ThreeMATERIALS AND METHODOLOGYStudy designA individual group pre test- station trial experimental survey design.3.2 Study putingDepartment of pulmonology, K.G.Hospital, Coimbatore-18.3.3 Study continuanceStudy was conducted for a period of three months ( 12 hebdomads ) .3.4 SamplingSimple random sampling.3.5 SubjectsA sum of 15 patients diagnosed with mild COPD by the clinical doctor go toing the outpatient Department of Pulmonology of K.G.Hospital were selected indiscriminately for the survey.3.6 Criteria for choiceInclusive standardsPatients classified as holding mild COPD by the doctors were taken for the survey. Ability to execute exercisings. Both sexes. Patient in age group between 35-45 old ages.Exclusive standardsPatients with any associated jobs of COPD Recent acute aggravation of disease Conditionss that contraindicate the application of clasp and loosen up techniques. Secondary musculoskeletal upsets. Recent breaks or hurt to the ribs, collarbone or upper limb. Perennial subluxation or disruption of either shoulder. Inability to execute isometric contraction. Connective tissue upset Ischemic bosom diseases Uncontrolled hyper tenseness Moderate to severe osteoporosis Extra conditions curtailing chest enlargement ( e.g. Obesity, terrible scoliosis, ancylosing spondylitis ) Systemic disease musculuss and articulations ( e.g. Rheumatoid arthritis ) Extremist mastectomy with remotion of the pectoral muscle major musculus. Recent thorax or abdominal surgery.3.7 VariablesIndependent variablesHold and loosen up technique Thoracic mobility exercisingsDependent variablesShoulder horizontal extension Rate of perceived effort3.8 ToolsGoniometer Borg ‘s graduated table3.9. ProcedureBefore the intervention all the topics were explained about the survey process and intervention to be applied. They were asked to inform if they had any uncomfortableness during the class of intervention. The patients were explained and show about the clasp relax technique and pectoral mobility exercisings which they had to execute. The pre trial shoulder horizontal extension and rate perceived effort steps were taken, after which the group was asked to execute hold relax technique and pectoral mobility exercising for a continuance of 6 hebdomads, after which shoulder horizontal extension and dyspnea was assessed utilizing Goniometer and Borg ‘s graduated table severally. At the terminal of the 12th hebdomad the degree of dyspnea was found to be decreased with an addition in shoulder horizontal extension motion.3.10. Stastical toolsPaired ‘t ‘ TrialPaired't ‘ trial was used to compare the pre Vs station & A ; post Vs station trial values of both the groups. vitamin D = difference between pre trial V station trial vitamin D = mean difference n = entire figure of topics s = criterion divergenceUnpaired ‘t ‘ TrialThis was used to analyse the significance between experimental and control groups. Where, S = Standard divergence = Mean of control groups = Mean of experimental group n1 = Number of topics in control groups n2 = Number of topics in experimental groupChapter – FourDATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATIONShoulder Horizontal Extension MovementTABLE – IPaired ‘t ‘ TrialsShows the mean, average difference, standard divergence and paired't ‘ values between pre trial and station trial values.S.NOTrialMeanMendeleviumSouth dakota‘t ‘ ValuessPre Test 18.6 11 2.80 16.6 Post Test 30.6 The above tabular array I shows the analysis of pre trial and station trial values. The mated t-test value is ( 16.6 ) which is greater than the tabulated t-value ( =2.145 ) at 5 % degree of significance. This shows that there is a important difference between the values.DyspneaTABLE – TwoPaired ‘t ‘ trialsShows the mean, average difference, standard divergence and paired't ‘ values between pre trial and station trial values.S.NOTrialMeanMendeleviumSouth dakota‘t ‘ ValuessPRE Trial 16.6 1.67 2.31 10.2 POST Trial 10.5 The above tabular array II shows the analysis of pre trial and station trial values. The mated t-test value is ( 10.2 ) which is greater than the tabulated t-value ( =2.145 ) at 5 % degree of significance. This shows that there is a important difference between the values.GRAPH – ISHOULDER HORIZONTAL EXTENSION MOVEMENT COMPARISON OF PRE TEST AND POST TEST VALUESShoulder Horizontal Extension MovementGRAPH – TwoDyspneaCOMPARISON OF PRE TEST AND POST TEST VALUESDyspneaChapter – VoltDiscussionPurpose of this survey was to bespeak that a hold relax technique specifically to the pectoral muscle major musculus is capable of increasing the result steps which are shoulder horizontal extension scope of gesture ( there by a little addition in critical capacity ) and cut down dyspnea in COPD patients. Previous surveies have found that a hold relax technique in normal topics can bring forth statically important increased hemodynamic viz. , systolic and diastolic blood force per unit area, as rate of perceived effort, respiratory rate, SaO2 were non adversely affected in any topics after intercession, this implies that the intervention is a safe method of intervention in chronic respiratory patients. The active method of intervention included in this survey appears to be safe and effectual in chronic respiratory patients. As adaptative shortening and stiffness around the upper limb musculus quadrant addition chest wall opposition and work of take a breathing. A method of change by reversaling these alterations of import to include a direction program for these patients. ( Arch phys med rehabilitation, vol 89, June 2008 ) . 15 topics with COPD were indiscriminately selected as a individual group who underwent hold relax technique of the pectoral muscle major and pectoral mobility exercisings, following 12 hebdomads of survey continuance and there was a important betterment of the result steps shoulder horizontal extension ( t 16.6 ) and dyspnea ( t 10.2 ) .Chapter – SixDecisionThis survey shows as important betterment in the dyspnea degree ( t=10.2 ) and shoulder horizontal extension ( t=16.6 ) in patients with mild COPD following hold relax technique and pectoral mobility exercisings. This provides considerable grounds that hold relax technique can better the restrictive constituent of COPD, Extensibility of the pectoral muscle major musculus and perchance get the better of some of the postural alterations of COPD.Chapter – SevenLIMITATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONSRestrictionRestriction of this survey is that FEV1, FVC were non measured in order to bespeak the badness of COPD in each topics. Demographic information was non taken into the survey.RecommendationFurther survey should be done to larn more about how to change by reversal the secondary soft tissue effects of chronic respiratory disease.Chapter – Eight

Saturday, January 11, 2020

A handful of dates Essay

Children like to copy their favorite character. They imagine  themselves to be like that person when they get big. Like this, a young boy , the  main character of the story, â€Å"A Handful of Dates†, by Tayeb Saleh, imagine  himself to be like his grandfather, when he get big. The story describes the  childhood of a young boy, who does the things children typically do, go to school,  attend religious services, plays outside, and spends time with his favorite family  member, his grandfather. Although the boy loves his grandfather and considers him  as a great man, the boy realizes, through his treatment of his neighbor Masood,  that he is a greedy man, and doesn’t like him anymore.  Early in the story, the boy loves nature. The boy loves to go to the  mosque every morning to learn Quran. He also loves to swim in the river and  play in the field. The boy says, â€Å"The mosque, the river, and the fields – these were  the landmarks in our life†(p-1,para-1).He also says, â€Å"†¦I loved the river  too†(p1,para-2).In other words, the boy love the river as well as his village nature.  The boy was idealistic about his grandfather and wanted to be like him.  His relationship with his grandfather was very close. The boy says, â€Å"I loved to  give rein to my imagination and picture myself a tribe of giants living behind that  wood, a people tall and thin with white beards and sharp noses, like my  grandfather†(p-1,para-2).In his imagination he thinks about his grandfather, and  says, â€Å" when I grew to be a man, tall and slender like him, walking along with great strides†(p-1,para-2).He thinks himself to be like his grandfather when he gets  big. As the story begins, the boy notices his grandfather doesn’t like their  neighbor Masood. In a conversation he asked his grandfather that why he doesn’t  like Masood. His grandfather answered that Masood is lazy person  that’s why he  doesn’t like him. â€Å"He’s an indolent man and I don’t like such people†(p-2,para-5).  Moreover, grandfather also said that Masood married more than one time and  every time he got married, he sold some part of his property. â€Å" Masood, my boy,  was a much married man. Each time he married he sold me a feddan or two†(p-  3,para-14).The boy was thinking and made a calculation that may be Masood  married more than ninety women, and then remembered that he had three wives  and asking himself many questions. At the end of the story the boy realizes that  his grandfather wasn’t that kind of person which he thought.  According to the boy’s grandfather, he will buy all of the Masood’s  property before he dies. Long time ago when the grandfather first came in the  village he didn’t had any property. Now two third of his property’s owner is  grandfather. â€Å"†¦forty years ago all this belonged to Masood, two-thirds  of it is now  mine†(p-2,para-9). â€Å"†¦ I think that before Allah calls me to Him I shall have  bought the remaining third as well†(p-2,para-11).Grandfather also said to the boy  that he will buy Masood’s remaining property before he dies. The boy was  thinking of himself that why his grandfather doing that and felt sorry for Masood. An inner conflict develops when he found his grandfather is greedy,  which he should not be as a Muslim. When the grandfather said he will buy  Masood’s remaining property, the boy was thinking of himself that his grandfather  will do what he said, and felt sorry for Masood. â€Å"I do not know why it was I felt  fear at my grandfather’s words-and pity for our neighbor Masood. How I wished  my grandfather wouldn’t do what he’d said !† (p-2,para-12). The boy learn from the  Quran that people should be sympathetic to weaker section people of the society.  Instead of that, his grandfather wants to buy Masood’s remaining property, which  shows that he not the kind of person he should be as a Muslim.  The boy begins to notice Masood at the harvest, and he feels  sympathy for him.Masood invites the boy and his grandfather to harvest dates. At  the harvest field the boy noticed Masood and thinking what his grandfather said  about him. â€Å"I remembered Masood’s remark to me when he had once seen me  playing with the branch of a young palm tree: Palm tress, my boy, like humans,  experience joy and suffering. And I had felt an inward and unreasoned  embarrassment†(p-3,para-19).The boy remember, once he was playing with the  palm tree Masood told him that palm trees are like human, which means Masood  loves nature.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Who Were the Huguenots What Is Their History

The Huguenots were French Calvinists, active mostly in the sixteenth century.  They were persecuted by Catholic France, and about 300,000 Huguenots fled France for England, Holland, Switzerland, Prussia, and the Dutch and English colonies in the Americas. The battle between Huguenots and Catholics in France also reflected fights between noble houses. In America, the term Huguenot was also applied to French-speaking Protestants, especially Calvinists, from other countries, including Switzerland and Belgium. Many Walloons (an ethnic group from Belgium and part of France) were Calvinists. The source of the name â€Å"Huguenot† is not known. Huguenots in France In France, state and crown in the 16th century were aligned with the Roman Catholic Church. There was little influence of Luther’s reformation, but the ideas of John Calvin reached into France and brought the Reformation into that country. No province and few towns became explicitly Protestant, but the ideas of Calvin, the new translations of the Bible, and organization of congregations spread fairly quickly. Calvin estimated that by the middle of the 16th century, 300,000 French people had become followers of his Reformed religion. Calvinists in France were, the Catholics believed, organizing to take power in an armed revolution. The Duke of Guise and his brother, Cardinal of Lorraine, were particularly hated, and not just by the Huguenots. Both were known for keeping power by any means including assassination. Catherine of Medici, an Italian-born French queen consort who became Regent for her son Charles IX when her first son died young, opposed the rise of Reformed religion. Massacre of Wassy On March 1, 1562, French troops massacred Huguenots at worship and other Huguenot citizens in Wassy, France, in what is known as the Massacre of Wassy (or Vassy). Francis, Duke of Guise, ordered the massacre, reportedly after he’d stopped in Wassy to attend a Mass and found a group of Huguenots worshipping in a barn. The troops killed 63 Huguenots, who were all unarmed and unable to defend themselves. Over a hundred Huguenots were injured. This led to the outbreak of the first of several civil wars in France known as the French Wars of Religion, which lasted more than a hundred years. Jeanne and Antoine of Navarre Jeanne dAlbret (Jeanne of Navarre) was one of the leaders of the Huguenot party. Daughter of Marguerite of Navarre, she was also well-educated. She was a cousin of the French king Henry III, and had been married first to the Duke of Cleves, then, when that marriage was annulled, to Antoine de Bourbon. Antoine was in the line of succession if the ruling House of Valois did not produce heirs to the French throne. Jeanne became ruler of Navarre when her father died in 1555, and Antoine the ruler consort. On Christmas in 1560, Jeanne announced her conversion to Calvinist Protestantism. Jeanne of Navarre, after the massacre of Wassy, became more fervently a Protestant, and she and Antoine fought over whether their son would be raised as a Catholic or Protestant. When he threatened divorce, Antoine had their son sent to Catherine  de Medici’s court. In Vendome, Huguenots were rioting and attacked the local Roman church and Bourbon tombs. Pope Clement, an Avignon Pope in the 14th century, had been buried at an abbey at La Chaise-Dieu. During fighting in 1562 between Huguenots and Catholics, some Huguenots dug up his remains and burned them. Antoine of Navarre (Antoine de Bourbon) was fighting for the crown and on the Catholic side at Rouen when he was killed at Rouen, where a siege lasted from May to October of 1562. Another battle at Dreux led to the capture of a leader of the Huguenots, Louis de Bourbon, Prince of Condà ©. On March 19, 1563, a peace treaty, the Peace of Amboise, was signed. In Navarre, Jeanne tried to institute religious tolerance, but she found herself opposing the Guise family more and more.  Philip of Spain tried to arrange a kidnapping of Jeanne. Jeanne responded by expanding more religious liberty for Huguenots. She brought her son back to Navarre and gave him a Protestant and military education. Peace of St. Germain Fighting in Navarre and in France continued. Jeanne aligned more and more with Huguenots, and undercut the Roman church in favor of the Protestant faith. A 1571 peace treaty between Catholics and Huguenots led, in March, 1572, to a marriage between Marguerite Valois, daughter of Catherine  de Medici and a Valois heir, and Henry of Navarre, the son of Jeanne of Navarre. Jeanne demanded concessions for the wedding, respecting his Protestant allegiance. She died in June 1572, before the marriage could take place. Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre Charles IX was King of France at the marriage of his sister, Marguerite, to Henry of Navarre. Catherine de Medici remained a powerful influence. The wedding took place on August 18. Many Huguenots came to Paris for this significant wedding. On August 21, there was an unsuccessful assassination attempt on Gaspard de Coligny, a Huguenot leader. During the night between August 23 and 24, on orders of Charles IX, the military of France killed Coligny and other Huguenot leaders. The killing spread through Paris and from there to other cities and the country. From 10,000 to 70,000 Huguenots were slaughtered (estimates vary widely). This killing weakened the Huguenot party considerably, as most of their leadership had been killed. Of the remaining Huguenots, many re-converted to the Roman faith. Many others became hardened in their resistance to Catholicism, convinced that it was a dangerous faith. While some Catholics were horrified at the massacre, many Catholics believed that the killings were to prevent the Huguenots from seizing power. In Rome, there were celebrations of the defeat of the Huguenots, Philip II of Spain was said to have laughed when he heard, and the Emperor Maximilian II was said to be horrified. Diplomats from Protestant countries fled Paris, including Elizabeth I of England’s ambassador. Henry, Duke of Anjou, was the king’s younger brother, and he was key in the carrying out of the massacre plan. His role in the killings led Catherine of Medici to step back from her initial condemnation of the crime, and also led her to deprive him of power. Henry III and IV Henry of Anjou succeeded his brother as king, becoming Henry III, in 1574.  Fights between Catholic and Protestants, including among the French aristocracy, marked his reign. The â€Å"War of the Three Henries† pitted Henry III, Henry of Navarre, and Henry of Guise into armed conflict.  Henry of Guise wanted to completely suppress the Huguenots.  Henry III was for limited toleration. Henry of Navarre represented the Huguenots. Henry III had Henry I of Guise and his brother Louis, a cardinal, murdered in 1588, thinking this would strengthen his rule. Instead, it created more chaos. Henry III acknowledged Henry of Navarre as his successor. Then a Catholic fanatic, Jacques Clement, assassinated Henry III in 1589, believing he was too easy on the Protestants. When Henry of Navarre, whose wedding had been marred by the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, succeeded his brother-in-law as King Henry IV in 1593, he converted to Catholicism. Some of the Catholic nobles, especially the House of Guise and the Catholic League, sought to exclude from the succession anyone who was not Catholic. Henry IV apparently believed that the only way to bring peace was to convert, supposedly saying, â€Å"Paris is well worth a Mass.† Edict of Nantes Henry IV, who had been a Protestant before becoming King of France, in 1598 issued the Edict of Nantes, granting limited toleration to Protestantism within France. The Edict contained many detailed provisions. One, for instance, protected French Huguenots from the Inquisition when they were traveling in other countries. While protecting Huguenots, it established Catholicism as the state religion, and required Protestants to pay tithes to the Catholic church, and required them to follow Catholic rules of marriage and to respect Catholic holidays. When Henry IV was assassinated, Marie de Medici, his second wife, confirmed the edict within a week, making a Catholic massacre of Protestants less likely, and also reducing the chance of Huguenot rebellion. Edict of Fontainebleau In 1685, the grandson of Henry IV, Louis XIV, revoked the Edict of Nantes. Protestants left France in large numbers, and France found itself on worse terms with Protestant nations around it. Edict of Versailles Also known as the Edict of Tolerance, this was signed by Louis XVI on November 7, 1787. It restored freedom to worship to Protestants, and reduced religious discrimination. Two years later, the French Revolution and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen in 1789 would bring complete religious freedom.